Manufacture of Laughter (guild of laughter)


“Guild”, we borrowed the term from the craftsmen who developed the cooperative idea, such as from the tanners, watchmakers, the brass bands.

But the good we produce and promote is laughter.

Laughter, purely organic, uncontrollable laughter that delights the heart and releases the unshakable joy of being.

In addition, laughter like Charlie Chaplin’s, subversive and mocking, the children’s secret weapon when they stick out their tongues at the adults and the weak when they trick the strong.

And finally the laugh of emotion when you recognize yourself in the other, the laugh that connects people and frees them from thinking only with the mind.

The aim of the theater company is mainly to promote intellectual culture, strengthen the socio-political consciousness of citizens, volunteerism and solidarity as well as protect and respect human rights through the development and propagation of the performing arts and their promotion as a cultural, paedagogical, educational and recreational factor of social life.

The Manufacture of Laughter proposes and aspires to establish a new emancipated social theater for children and young people with fun, realistic everyday stories that children can instantly identify with. A theater that draws on their own experiences, turning the dramatic event into something that may engage their thoughts beyond the time of the show.

The team believes that children always represent reason, imagination and solidarity contrasted to the stereotypical adult world. “Nothing needs to stay as it is if we are united and operating with common sense, love and daring.” This is the timeless slogan of our theater and applies to every corner of the world. It has to be inspiriting and entertaining.

Έργα του φορέα-εταίρου


Vulnerable groups empowered