Capacity building refers to the process of strengthening an organisation in order to increase its effectiveness and social impact and achieve its goals and sustainability over time.

The Active citizens fund in Greece gives particular emphasis to building the capacity of civil society organisations.

The programme offers free capacity building workshops and tools which are open to all civil society organisations, and also implements a Capacity Building Programme for ACF project promoters.

Specifically, the Active citizens fund provides:

a) Training on project planning and proposal writing

In parallel to the launch of every call for proposals, a series of capacity building project planning and proposal writing workshops is organised in different cities throughout Greece (ACF Roadshows). The workshops are announced on the calendar of our website. All the training material from these workshops is available in Greek and can be downloaded from the Greek version of this webpage. Much of the training material is based on the information given in the Guidelines for Applicants (particularly Annex 2 ‘Advice for writing a strong application’), which are available in English here.

b) NGO Capacity Map

The NGO Capacity Map is a free online tool, open to all, in order to help civil society organisations to self-assess their strengths and weaknesses regarding their organisational capacity and sustainability. The online tool is available here.

c) E-learning Platform

A rich library of capacity building training material for Greek civil society organisations is available at the e-learning platform which was originally created in the framework of the EEA Grants NGO Fund for Greece 2009 – 2014 programme. The link is here.

d) Find your partner! platform

Find your partner! is a new platform which aims to bring together Greek civil society organisations in a single portal and encourage collaborations between them. The platform is open to civil society organisations (NGOs, non-profit companies, social enterprises, associations, clubs, foundations etc), as well as businesses and public bodies such as universities, municipalities etc. Read more and register here.

Capacity Building Programme for ACF Project Promoters

All Project Promoters of the Active citizens fund in Greece have free access to the programme’s special Capacity Building Programme organized by the Fund Operator, through Social Dynamo, the civil society capacity building hub of Bodossaki Foundation.

This special programme includes training, consulting, mentoring and coaching opportunities. More information about the specific events offered each month is available on the events calendar on the homepage on this site as well as on Social Dynamo’s website.