Bilateral Initiative KARPOS Center for Education and Intercultural Communication – Norsensus Mediaforum

KARPOS Center for Education and Intercultural Communication | Country: Greece
Norsensus Mediaforum | Country: Norway
01/05/2021 – 28/02/2022

The initiative aimed at networking, sharing and transferring knowledge, technology experience and best practices. Two people from Karpos traveled to Oslo for the presentation, the discussion and the experiential training in the project “MILagers- Empowering young people by enhancing their media and information literacy” of Norsensus and the presentation of the Karpo’s project “A suitcase with images and sounds online”. Finally, an interactive seminar of the Norsensus program was implemented, with a carefully selected focus group in order to provide feedback and development of the tools available to the two organizations for audiovisual education.