Center for Special Education of Children & Adults with Disabilities (K.E.P.E.A.) “Horizontes”

Since 1997, the Center for Special Education of Children & Adults with Disabilities (K.E.P.E.A.) “Horizontes”, contributes to the quality upgrade of the daily lives of People with Intellectual Disabilities and their families, providing lifelong education, weighted to their needs and desires, support in their independent living as well as integration services in the labor market.
Having completed over twenty years of dedication and contribution in the field of Special Education, the organisation has been operating since 2013, the Day Care and Day Care Center with a capacity of 104 People with Mental Disabilities, in the Municipality of Ilioupoli, where the organization has its headquarters. In 2018, it proceeded to establish and operate the “Open Horizons-Mari Vrettos” Supported Living apartment, while, with social cooperative entrepreneurship initiatives supports the work integration of People with Intellectual Disabilities as equal members of society.