Thalassa of Solidarity

Thalassa of Solidarity is a registered organization based in Heraklion, Crete. It was founded in May 2019 by people with previous action in the refugee crisis in Greece in order to develop information and education activities for the creative integration in the Greek social and labor reality of refugees, migrants and locals experiencing social exclusion and the creation and development of relationships to contribute to a society of solidarity, mutual education, creative coexistence and effective integration with respect for rights and diversity.
The objective of the Thalassa of Solidarity is non-profit and consists mainly in the development of programs and activities aimed at the social, educational and professional integration and empowerment of refugee, migrant, nomadic and other vulnerable populations and social groups and individuals without any discrimination based on religion, origin, nationality, administrative status, gender and sexual determination, and age.
On October 2019 the organization started the Amalab, a sewing workshop to transmit knowledge and cultivate skills that will help the subsequent step of the participants in the labor market and will help their integration and socialization. The organization has also started computer and English language courses and are planning information, counseling and empowerment seminars on the Greek reality and human rights. All courses and seminars are free of charge and are based on solidarity actions and voluntary participation. Since the beginning of the epidemic, the courses have been postponed following the hygienic measures in place and the organization has focused on strengthening the community of trainees and other people in need with food and hygienic items and NFI along with information at various levels with financial and in kind assistance and donations by private donors and civil organizations.