Prevention and combat of gender-based violence and promotion of gender equality in the Cyclades region

According to the data released by the European Institute for Gender Equality in 2020, Greece rated last with 52.2% in relation to gender equality. Evenmore, GGOPIF published data from 2020 indicating that the phenomenon of violence is maintained throughout the country.
The aim of the project is to contribute to the fight against GBV and the promotion of gender equality, aiming at informing, educating/training, and raising awareness on such issues through actions of the Mobile Mental Health Units of Cyclades (KMPSY) islands of EPASY in Tinos, Kea/Tzia, Mykonos, Kythnos, Sifnos-Serifos, Paros-Antiparos, Milos-Kimolos, Andros, which do not have or intent to develop specialized counseling centers on gender issues. Therefore, KMPSY will integrate in their operation specific actions of informing and sensitizing the local population and authorities in matters of combating GBV, acting as omens “counseling centers” for this type of services, serving the specific characteristics of this geographical area, transmitting relevant knowledge and informing the local island communities.
The target group of the project is:
- Psychosocial professionals in social services including mental health services such as the EPAPSY and the local island social and mental health services.
- Professionals in the field of education
- General public such as local associations, local authorities, parents and/or teenagers.
Throughout a serious of trainings (synchronous & asynchronous), 132 psychosocial professionals and professionals in the field of education from these 8 islands will be trained and supported to gain knowledge both on issues and contexts of different forms of GBV and on issues of gender equality. The training will have a dual character. After developing projects’ educational handbook, initially a training framework on GBV & gender equality will be implemented for 25 psychosocial professionals of social mental health services of KMPSY. Then the trained psychosocial professionals will be called to pass on knowledge on GBV and gender equality to the psychosocial professionals of the local islandic social and mental health services and professionals in the field of education throughout a series of training seminars, while they will also implement a framework of awareness raising activities in the local islandic communities.
The role of EPAPSY is to organize and coordinate all the activities related to awareness-raising on the islands as well as to control the scientific quality of all actions; to mobilize and sensitize local communities; and to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention. CMT will undertake the design of the educational material, the IT support of the distance learning training as well as the support of projects dissemination activities. CMT will also contribute to the scientific adequacy of both the interdisciplinary team and the scientific quality of the educational material.