We are an American Greek non-profit organization. We were established on 2 December 2018 in the USA and have been operating since then in Moria Camp Lesvos. We registered with the Ministry of Migration and Asylum in February 2019 and have access and have been operative in Moria camp since then. In January 2020 we registered as a Greek non-profit. Fenix would like to apply to a larger scale of the grant to cover part of our long term operation costs. Therefore, we are writing to request if it is possible to consider us eligible for the medium or large scale grants as being operative since 2018.
According to the Guidelines for Applicants the following limitations apply:
For large projects (more than EUR 80.000,00): The eligible applicants must, at the deadline for submission of proposals, have completed two (2) years of operation since their legal establishment; – For medium projects (between EUR 5.000,01 and up to EUR 80.000,00): The eligible applicants must, at the deadline for submission of proposals, have completed twelve (12) months of operation since their legal establishment; – For micro projects (between EUR 1.000,00 and up to EUR 5.000,00): The eligible applicants must, at the deadline for submission of proposals, have completed six (6) months of operation since their legal establishment.